Significant strides have been made in educating and engaging the community about the project, since the project launch in October.
Since the I-49 Lafayette Connector’s Project Launch and Public Information Meeting in October, the project team has been focused on engaging the community through monthly work group meetings, targeted outreach through key stakeholder interviews, and providing information and project updates to the public at large via our project website and social media.
The Community Work Group is made up of local area citizens representing a range of community organizations and neighborhoods along the corridor. They meet once a month to consider project-related issues, and are then tasked with sharing that information with their peers and bringing the feedback to the larger group for discussion. The Technical Advisory and Executive Work Groups listen to, consider and respond to the issues raised within the Community Work Group.Â
Key stakeholder interviews are one-on-one meetings with members of the Lafayette community designed to provide a better understanding of their perspective and priorities for the project. Interviews have been held with more than 20 individuals and groups to hear their thoughts on this project and how it can become an asset to the community.
Other events and activities planned for the coming months include neighborhood walkabouts, design charrettes, educational forums, public workshops and more. There are approximately 40 different meetings and events planned to ensure that this process provides opportunities for community engagement for the I-49 Lafayette Connector.